Friday, 11 March 2011

Step by step Masthead

The edges of the letters are really uneven.

So I used the brush tool with fill it out.

After using the eraser tool, I selected the inverse which is the two letters.

After selecting the letters I cut them so that I can paste them onto a new page.

I then saved the image for web and devices

I then placed it onto the front cover image so that I could see what it looks like against the image. 
However, I was not pleased with the quality of the image, there was obvious white marks around the letters, which made the letters not look great. Altogether the image looked messy and uneven, so I went into paint and used the brush and eraser tool to edit it.

I then saved it and opened it into Photoshop and selected the inverse to paste onto my front cover.

The masthead looks much better on the front cover after I edited it in paint, now looks neat with no uneven edges. 

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