I attracted/addressed my audience by the following:
Use of language/mode of address:
I tried to use more informal language so that I could relate better to my target audience. The age group of my target audience is aged 16-24, both male and female. Even though I decided to use both genders as my target audience I think that from the way i have written it and my style of language that females would be more attracted to my magazine. The style of language that I used was very informal but language that was sophisticated enough for the older ages of my target audience.
Use of font:
Through my font I tried to make the style as gender universal as possible on the front cover. I used font that had sharp edges and looked sophisticated as opposed to curvy and rounded edges, I did this to make it more un-bias towards females and more all rounded for all ages and both genders. In the double page spread I think that because the article is of two girls that I made the font more girly, having the writing slanted and in bright pink, so it may look more feminine, so it would attract my female audience.
On my list of contents I tried to make it as exciting as possible, with a little mention of various famous stars, like Vampire Weekend and Warpaint. Since they are not the most popular artists I thought it would be more interesting for the readers, if they like the hear about new artists then they will be attracted to read my magazine. On the contents I made it clear to see that there was two exclusives, they were a chance to win Gig Tickets and free Vampire Weekend CD. I thought this would appeal to my audience because when doing my audience research the most popular promotion was free gig tickets.
All the images I have used on my blog have been for the benefit of the reader. The front cover image could be more bias towards females in my target audience because they are smiling together and look like two relatable normal girls, as opposed to traditional women on the front cover of magazines. The contents images include a feature - festival wear and the preview of the girls on the paper dolls interview. Since they are both girls you could say the magazine is more bias towards girl readers. The double page spread images are very female based because they look very friendly and happy together, giving off a good image to girls who read the magazine.
The masthead is not very feminine, this is because it has no feminine features, no colours and no pattern, it is just plain black with sharp edges. Meaning that it could attract male readers to the magazine.
I tried to attract my audience with the layout of my magazine because I wanted it to flow well and be functional. The contents page has sections to divide the list of contents so that if the reader wanted to read predominately about the music they could look at that section, or if they wanted to read about artists/bands they could just look at the section below.
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