Friday, 1 April 2011

Final Double Page Spread

My double page spread is the one I am most proud of. This is because I worked relay hard on getting the layout correct and the images in the right place. I feel that I have achieved in making it look realistic and like a good magazine double page spread. 
When making the double page spread I made 2 different layouts that I could choose from. It was a hard decision to choose which one to use, so I decided to make further drafts for them both. For the first one I used one of my favourite images form the front cover and made it fill the whole double spread. For the second I sued another one of my favourite images and filled it to fit the right hand side of the spread. When looking at both spreads in full, I made the decision to choose the second layout. This was because when I included the article for the interview the writing would have blended in with the background of the first image too much.
I really like the second image, it is a great pose of them both, and they both look really nice and have an edge in their faces. I needed to edit the image because it looked like a pipe had come out her head and into her body. This is before and after I edited the image:

I have edited the pipe out of the view using paint, I thought it would be OK if the pipe was left on the floor where it is, but after looking at it more I decided to edit that pipe out, so I went back to paint and did it again. After doing this I was able to focus on the other side of the double page spread.

The text on the page is very much similar to previous pages because I used the same font. The rest of the font is different, I decided to change it because I didn't want it to look too much the same as the rest of the magazine. Diversity is very important so I wanted to change the font, to MV Boli, this makes the writing look more sleek because it looks like real hand writing, I like this effect because it makes the interview more believable. I decide to make some of the text in bright pink and the rest in white to split the interview up. With real magazines in an interview the questions and answers are always different in some way, so I thought to go with the bright pink of the title that the bright pink would be a nice touch to the page. The colour is a girly one, but because it is bright pink as opposed to a pale pretty pink, this one has a bit of an edge and is less feminine, helping the effect of the magazine as an indie magazine.
The other images on the left side of the magazine are my favourite part of the spread this is because when choosing the layout I really liked the effect as if they are photos take in a photo booth, they look real and like the girls are having fun together. The pictures are in black and white, I like the effect of this with the rest of the page because it splits the images up from the rest on the whole magazine, making them different and something new for the reader to look at.
The black background was to avoid making the page looking too dull and boring. The connotation of this colour use could be that even though there is white and pink writing the black background could show that the girls have a darker side.

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